Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Interesting Reads....

Training Classes You Might Want To Sign Up For...

Training Classes You Might Want To Sign Up For...

These are links to some on-line webinars, Lectures, or classes you might want to sign up for now, which will be taught over the next few weeks...  Typically if you sign up, you can get a recorded session later too.

On Going and Archived:

Specific Date:

  • Why C is "The Language of Embedded" FREE 1 hour webinar  Friday April 17, 2020  Register now 
    • Webinar Overview: Although not originally designed for embedded software development, the C language allows a range of programming styles from high-level application code down to direct low-level manipulation of hardware registers. As a result, C has become the most popular programming language for embedded systems today.  This webinar is intended for anyone who is new to embedded systems or who wishes to start using the C language for an embedded application.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - Start of Week 3 of "Shelter In Place" - Fligrid, 3D Print, Python

Mr. Burnham saying Hi

  • I'll post links Wednesday

1) Entry Ticket - Flip Grid - How are you doing? Say Hi, Tell us what you are learning...  after watching this salute to Adventure Time and how it relates to us today

Special Instructions or Announcements:

    2) 3D Design and Tinker Cad
    • Lab - Duration: 1-3 hours (due Friday)
    • Link: Assignment Lecture - What Do I Want You To Do
    • Instructions & Expectations: Please watch the Assignment Introduction Video and then do the following:
      • Tuesday:- Pick a project to work on in TinkerCAD or some other 3D tool. Do this today.  See the Google Classroom assignment. If you pick something on Thingiverse to modify, submit the link to the original in this assignment too.
      • Wednesday and Thursday -  Work on your design.  This will probably take 1-2 hours.  If you start from a finished design off Thingiverse, you need to modify your design at least 20%.
      • Friday (or Before) Turn in a file named firstName-LastName-DesignName.stl
        • I think if you copy it to your Google Drive, and share it I'll be able to access it... but you can also email it to svctemecha@metroed.net 

    • Dig Deeper: See what lots of companies are doing with 3D printers to solve the PPE shortage.  Extra Credit - find some links and write me 200+ words on what you found and why it's cool. See Google class room for "Solving PPE with 3D"
    3) Python
    • Office Hours: I'll host 2 office hours on Wednesday and Friday @ 8:30-9:30 AM and 1:30-2:30 PM.  You can come to either, or the other or both.  I'll be answering Python Questions, doing code examples, and showing you some other Python stuff.
    • LAB - Duration: 2-3 hours
    • Link: Cisco Python Sign In 
      • If you have problems, Please take a look at this Python Class Sign In presentation.  If you gave me a personal email, then you should have got a new account invite.  If you did not give me a personal email, then I used your @metroed.net email and you may have just got a notification of the class enrollment... just try the link and use your @metroed.net email.
    • Instructions & Expectations: 
      • Finish Lesson 1 Module 1,2,3
      • Write a program that:
        • Ask the user to rolls 2 dice <-- This will be an input question, maybe just a hit any key, maybe print what they type, and it can be the secret whisper you blow on the dice as you roll them...
        • print the value of each dice, add then and print the total <-- some math and print()
        • If they are both 1, print "Snake Eyes" <-- If/else
        • if they are 7, Print "Craps"
        • If they are doubles, print "Doubles"
        • Keep a running total, and when they get to 100 quit <-- More math
        • other wise keep asking  them to roll again <-- some type of loop wrapped around all your code to jump back to the top to ask them to roll again.
        • If they enter a "q" or "Q" then quit using a break
        • Extra Credit - If they roll 2 doubles in a row, print "Hot Roller"
    • I'll add another program here when you have done the first one...
    • How to Submit Assignment: If you do your code in Repl.it, just turn in a link to the code.  Otherwise put it in a google doc and send it
      •  I can actually see your progress in the Cisco class, the time you spend on each module and which you have completed.. Those of you who have not logged in to the class, please do that.  Email me or call me  jburnham@metroed.net  we can setup a google hangouts call if you are having issues.
    • Where to Get Support?: Look here to learn more...
    4) Ben Eater's 8 Bit Computer - Stay Tuned... more on this this week.  Sorry it's taking so long to get this booted...

    Helpful Links

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Friday, March 27, 2020 - Python

    Note: Monday is a Holiday... So relax and learn some thing new..

    There is a Python online class, I'm going to this class, and will record it and post here after it's done today at 12:00.

    Watch Python in One Hour 

    OK, this is one hour... so maybe watch 15 min at a time.  Also have your Repl.it account window open and stop the video and try out some of the code he is showing

    0) Virtual Taking Roll - Go to the Google Assignment in the Classroom check the Roll Assignment for today

    1) CHECK your @metroed.net emails every day... That is where much of the school communication is going. 

    2) Python 
    • Instructions & Expectations: If you have problems, Please take a look at this Python Class Sign In presentation.  If you gave me a personal email, then you should have got a new account invite.  If you did not give me a personal email, then I used your @metroed.net email and you may have just got a notification of the class enrollment... just try the link and use your @metroed.net email.
    • There is a Google Assignment in the stream to let me know.  
    • Email me or call me  jburnham@metroed.net  we can setup a google hangouts call if you are having issues.

      Helpful Links

      We will also be using the following tools.
      Google Class Room


      Python Development Tools
      https://repl.it/~  (I'll have a lesson soon on using this)

      Slack Channel

      Helpful Links

      Thursday, March 26, 2020

      Thursday, March 26, 2020 - Take a rest today. Catch up on late assignments, learn something new

      Take a breath, and catch up... or learn something new.

      There is a Python online class you could maybe join... thy signing up for the on tomorrow at 10AM... even if you can't go, I think they will send you a recorded version after... 

      I know that most of you don't have your Robot Club materials at home... but that does not mean you can't work on it.
      Here are my suggestions:

      1. 3D Printing - I will be bringing the 3D printers home and getting all 5 to print.  This means that if you create a tinkerCAD or other model, save an STL and send it to me, I may be able to print them for you.
      2. More TinkerCAD - You can create an Arduino circuit with TinkerCAD, and you can write code to interact with a breadboard or other components... check out Instructables and pick an Arduino project  you can build in Tinker CAD
      3. Pick some other project, like more Python to implement in the Repl.it website. like get the code here working on Repl,it

           nam = input('Who are you? ') 
           print('Welcome', nam)

      OR, If You still need to work on missing Google Classroom assignments, then please do.  
      • LAB - Duration: 60 Min
      • Link: Robot Club Google Sites
      • Instructions & Expectations: Connect with your Robot Club Team.  You will either be working on your Robot Project or an Open Lab Project.  
        • You will need to account for your time. You will need to convince me by your form submission that you worked given the time allotted. 
        • If  you or your Robot Club Team worked on the Robot Club project, you will make sure your Robot Project Status Google docs are updated.  
        • If you worked on an Open Lab Project, you will also need to tell me about what you accomplished and what you are planning next.
      • How to Submit Assignment:   Each Student needs to account for your time.  
      • Dig Deeper: Open Lab:

      If you have not done these assignments, Do The Following TODAY - You may have 5 things to do..
      Info Video for today March 23

      0) Virtual Taking Roll - Go to the Google Assignment in the Classroom check the Roll Assignment for today

      1) CHECK your @metroed.net emails every day... That is where much of the school communication is going. 

      2) Python 
      2.1) Did You Get In The Cisco Python Class?
      Keep working on Module 2 of the Python class.  I'll have a lab and quiz for you on Module 1 and Module 2 tomorrow, due Wed.  Please make sure you can get in to the cisco python class and start working on the module 1 and 2.  Wed I'll have a quiz and labs

      If you feel you are good with quick review of the information in Module 1 and 2, then you can go to Repl.it and see if you can get this input code working... I'm sure it's doable, I just have not done it... I'm going to be figuring it out today...

      nam = input('Who are you? ') 
      print('Welcome', nam)

      • Instructions & Expectations: If you have problems, Please take a look at this Python Class Sign In presentation.  If you gave me a personal email, then you should have got a new account invite.  If you did not give me a personal email, then I used your @metroed.net email and you may have just got a notification of the class enrollment... just try the link and use your @metroed.net email.
      • There is a Google Assignment in the stream to let me know.  
      • Email me or call me  jburnham@metroed.net  we can setup a google hangouts call if you are having issues.
      3) Read and ask me questions
      4) Can you log in to the job ready skills site (this will be your @metroed account)
      Please start working on 5 new lessons.  You can pick any lesson in the 5 units.  I'll be able to see your progress.  You need to get a 75% or better.  There will be 5 lessons due each week.  You can do them all in one day or spread them out... just do 5 each week

      8 Bit Computer
      Randy and I will start posting specific information and videos to watch, so stay tuned, I'll try to get you more guidance later today.

      but if you feel like you know where to start or what you are doing, keep working. I hope there is a quiet place in your house where you can setup the 8 bit computer and leave it out.  If not, please try to keep everything together, it's easy to lose all the small parts.
      You can always play with the logicly tool and work to understand AND, OR gate logic.

      Still need to do this?

      A) STEM Magazine - Pick an Article from this issues and write about it.  200 words or more.
      March STEM Magazine

      • What article did you pick?
      • Why did you pick it? What cough your interest?
      • What Engineering skills are needed to for this topic you picked?
      • What will you go and research to learn more?
      B) FLIP Grid
      • If you have not done this "Say Hi" Flipgrid, Please do.
      • Randy is willing to Pay for a good Viral Corona Virus PSA (pun intended) This can be 3 min long.  You can do them on Flip Grid, and he will offer some prizes for all of them, but will select the best in each category, and you could win up to $200.  Think, "What do people need to know or do to protect themselves from the Corona Virus"  it can't be just "Wash Your Hands".  If can be a video we can share, or a flier we can print and put up at grocery stores...  Don't say your last name, or school, or any other location identifying information.  Flipgrid link https://flipgrid.com/854d1041  - Ask me questions about this

        Helpful Links

        We will also be using the following tools.
        Google Class Room


        Python Development Tools
        https://repl.it/~  (I'll have a lesson soon on using this)

        Slack Channel

        Helpful Links

        Wednesday, March 25, 2020

        Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - Robot Club

        Office Hours:  10:00AM -11:00AM

        Open LAB  and/or Robot Club 
        I know that most of you don't have your Robot Club materials at home... but that does not mean you can't work on it.
        Here are my suggestions:

        1. 3D Printing - I will be bringing the 3D printers home and getting all 5 to print.  This means that if you create a tinkerCAD or other model, save an STL and send it to me, I may be able to print them for you.
        2. More TinkerCAD - You can create an Arduino circuit with TinkerCAD, and you can write code to interact with a breadboard or other components... check out Instructables and pick an Arduino project  you can build in Tinker CAD
        3. Pick some other project, like more Python to implement in the Repl.it website. like get the code here working on Repl,it

             nam = input('Who are you? ') 
             print('Welcome', nam)

        OR, If You still need to work on Google Classroom assignments, then please do.  
        • LAB - Duration: 60 Min
        • Link: Robot Club Google Sites
        • Instructions & Expectations: Connect with your Robot Club Team.  You will either be working on your Robot Project or an Open Lab Project.  
          • You will need to account for your time. You will need to convince me by your form submission that you worked given the time allotted. 
          • If  you or your Robot Club Team worked on the Robot Club project, you will make sure your Robot Project Status Google docs are updated.  
          • If you worked on an Open Lab Project, you will also need to tell me about what you accomplished and what you are planning next.
        • How to Submit Assignment:   Each Student needs to account for your time.  
        • Dig Deeper: Open Lab:
        Clean Up
        • Assignment - Duration: 2-10 Min
        • Instructions & Expectations: Desk cleanup, put away all projects, find your assigned job
        • How to Submit Assignment: When Complete, check yourself off on Sign Out Sheet - 2 Points
        If you have not done these assignments, Do The Following TODAY - You may have 5 things to do..
        Info Video for today March 23

        0) Virtual Taking Roll - Go to the Google Assignment in the Classroom check the Roll Assignment for today

        1) CHECK your @metroed.net emails every day... That is where much of the school communication is going. 

        2) Python 
        2.1) Did You Get In The Cisco Python Class?
        Keep working on Module 2 of the Python class.  I'll have a lab and quiz for you on Module 1 and Module 2 tomorrow, due Wed.  Please make sure you can get in to the cisco python class and start working on the module 1 and 2.  Wed I'll have a quiz and labs

        If you feel you are good with quick review of the information in Module 1 and 2, then you can go to Repl.it and see if you can get this input code working... I'm sure it's doable, I just have not done it... I'm going to be figuring it out today...

        nam = input('Who are you? ') 
        print('Welcome', nam)

        • Instructions & Expectations: If you have problems, Please take a look at this Python Class Sign In presentation.  If you gave me a personal email, then you should have got a new account invite.  If you did not give me a personal email, then I used your @metroed.net email and you may have just got a notification of the class enrollment... just try the link and use your @metroed.net email.
        • There is a Google Assignment in the stream to let me know.  
        • Email me or call me  jburnham@metroed.net  we can setup a google hangouts call if you are having issues.
        3) Read and ask me questions
        4) Can you log in to the job ready skills site (this will be your @metroed account)
        Please start working on 5 new lessons.  You can pick any lesson in the 5 units.  I'll be able to see your progress.  You need to get a 75% or better.  There will be 5 lessons due each week.  You can do them all in one day or spread them out... just do 5 each week

        8 Bit Computer
        Randy and I will start posting specific information and videos to watch, so stay tuned, I'll try to get you more guidance later today.

        but if you feel like you know where to start or what you are doing, keep working. I hope there is a quiet place in your house where you can setup the 8 bit computer and leave it out.  If not, please try to keep everything together, it's easy to lose all the small parts.
        You can always play with the logicly tool and work to understand AND, OR gate logic.

        Still need to do this?

        A) STEM Magazine - Pick an Article from this issues and write about it.  200 words or more.
        March STEM Magazine

        • What article did you pick?
        • Why did you pick it? What cough your interest?
        • What Engineering skills are needed to for this topic you picked?
        • What will you go and research to learn more?
        B) FLIP Grid
        • If you have not done this "Say Hi" Flipgrid, Please do.
        • Randy is willing to Pay for a good Viral Corona Virus PSA (pun intended) This can be 3 min long.  You can do them on Flip Grid, and he will offer some prizes for all of them, but will select the best in each category, and you could win up to $200.  Think, "What do people need to know or do to protect themselves from the Corona Virus"  it can't be just "Wash Your Hands".  If can be a video we can share, or a flier we can print and put up at grocery stores...  Don't say your last name, or school, or any other location identifying information.  Flipgrid link https://flipgrid.com/854d1041  - Ask me questions about this

          Helpful Links

          We will also be using the following tools.
          Google Class Room


          Python Development Tools
          https://repl.it/~  (I'll have a lesson soon on using this)

          Slack Channel

          Helpful Links

          Tuesday, March 24, 2020

          Message from our Santa Clara District Education Office

          Dear Elected and Public Officials,

          We write to provide our latest update related to the County’s COVID-19 response efforts. As news is developing rapidly, we are working to provide you more frequent updates going forward. Our goal in these emails provide up-to-date, transparent information and provide resources that you can readily share with your constituents.  Please let us what other types of information and resources would be helpful to you in public role. We are working to schedule two conference calls this week (on Wednesday and Friday) and will work to confirm times for those hopefully tomorrow. 

          COVID-19 Cases in Santa Clara County

          The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department announced three new deaths from COVID-19 today, bringing the total number of deaths to 13 in Santa Clara County. The County is also reporting 19 new cases today, bringing our total number of confirmed cases to 321. Because of limited testing capacity, the number of confirmed cases almost certainly represents a small fraction of the total number of persons with COVID-19 in the county.

          Financial Assistance for Low-Income Residents

          Destination: Home has raised more than $11 million from private and public sources, including a proposed $2 million contribution from the County, to provide direct financial assistance to those who are facing a documented loss of income because of COVID-19.

          Eligible residents must meet these three criteria to qualify for assistance:

          1. Resident of Santa Clara County
          2. Household gross income less than 80% of the average median income
               (e.g. $103,900 for a family of four)
          3. Documented loss of income related to COVID-19 impacts due to health,
               employment, or school/child care closures

          Eligible households will receive up to a maximum of $4,000 of lost income per month. Assistance may be requested once per month for the duration of the public health emergency, as long as the household continues to experience an economic impact and funds are available.

          Residents can get more information or apply online at https://sacredheartcs.org/covid19/. They can also call (408) 780-9134.

          Federal Medical Station Coming Soon

          On Saturday, March 21, the County of Santa Clara announced a partnership with federal, state, and local partners to open a temporary Federal Medical Station (FMS) inside the City of Santa Clara Convention Center. The FMS will have up to 250 beds to care for lower acuity, non-infectious patients. The United States Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response will supply staffing and supplies, freeing up beds and resources at local hospitals to treat more complex cases and patients dealing with serious infections such as COVID-19. Planning for the FMS is underway, and it is expected to open in the next week or two. Download a PDF FMS fact sheet here.

          Countywide Bed Count

          There are approximately 2,500 hospital beds countywide. About 350 of those are critical care beds. Hospitals are working on plans to increase capacity by converting another 300 plus beds to critical care. Even more capacity is possible if necessary equipment such as ventilators can be secured. However, even with added capacity, our hospitals can be quickly overwhelmed if they experience large surges in patients. That is why it is so important for us to keep up our social distancing efforts.

          You can watch a conversation between Board of Supervisors President Cindy Chavez and Santa Clara Valley Medical Center CEO Paul Lorenz about this topic here.

          Public Health Order Enforcement

          Last week, a centralized repository for complaints about clear violations of the public health order requiring sheltering in place and the closure of nonessential business was created. For complaints in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, please email the District Attorney’s Office at PubHealthReferral@dao.sccgov.org or leave a voicemail at (408) 792-2300. 

          A list of what constitutes an essential business can be found in the COVID-19 FAQs at www.sccphd.org/cv19. The County has also created infographic Facebook posts about what business are open and closed during the public health order. You can share them in the following languages: EnglishTagalogVietnameseSpanish, and Chinese

          There is also a Facebook post  and Twitter post providing guidance for keeping businesses and employees safe.  #shelterinplace #santaclaracounty #covid19 #businesses 

          Governor Newsom Requests Presidential Major Disaster Declaration

          On Sunday, March 22, Governor Gavin Newsom sent a letter to President Donald Trump officially requesting a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration to assist in California’s COVID-19 preparedness and emergency response efforts. The Major Disaster Declaration would include any and all individual assistance programs to assist those affected by the outbreak and lessen the economic impacts of the crisis. The request would provide additional assistance, including but not limited to, mass care and emergency assistance, crisis counseling, disaster case management, disaster unemployment assistance, disaster legal services and Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance. You can download a PDF of the letter here.

          FAQs about the Local Health Order

          We make regular updates to the FAQ documents for our local public health order as new information becomes available. Your constituents can access them in the following languages:

          Closing Thoughts

          Please remember that scientific evidence shows us that social distancing is still one of the most effective tools we have to slow the transmission of COVID-19. Please continue to share this message with your constituents, and please continue to let us know how we can help you feel better informed.

          Please continue to monitor this situation closely.  More information and regular updates can be found on the County Public Health website and the CDC website.

          If you as elected and public officials have questions or requests for information, please send them to liaisonOfficer@eoc.sccgov.org.

          Any business, faith, nonprofit, or community leader with questions should contact: cboliaison@EOC.SCCGOV.ORG.

          Any school-related questions should be sent to schools@eoc.sccgov.org

          Thank you for your essential leadership during this challenging time for our community,

          Liaison Officer
          County of Santa Clara Emergency Operations Center
          Instagram: @scc_publichealth
          Twitter: @HealthySCC

          Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - Keep working on Python Class

          Special Instructions or Announcements:

          Do The Following TODAY - You may have 5 things to do..
          Info Video for today March 23

          0) Virtual Taking Roll - Go to the Google Assignment in the Classroom check the Roll Assignment for today

          1) CHECK your @metroed.net emails every day... That is where much of the school communication is going. 

          2) Python 
          2.1) Did You Get In The Cisco Python Class?
          Keep working on Module 2 of the Python class.  I'll have a lab and quiz for you on Module 1 and Module 2 tomorrow, due Wed.  Please make sure you can get in to the cisco python class and start working on the module 1 and 2.  Wed I'll have a quiz and labs

          If you feel you are good with quick review of the information in Module 1 and 2, then you can go to Repl.it and see if you can get this input code working... I'm sure it's doable, I just have not done it... I'm going to be figuring it out today...

          nam = input('Who are you? ') 
          print('Welcome', nam)

          • Instructions & Expectations: If you have problems, Please take a look at this Python Class Sign In presentation.  If you gave me a personal email, then you should have got a new account invite.  If you did not give me a personal email, then I used your @metroed.net email and you may have just got a notification of the class enrollment... just try the link and use your @metroed.net email.
          • There is a Google Assignment in the stream to let me know.  
          • Email me or call me  jburnham@metroed.net  we can setup a google hangouts call if you are having issues.
          3) Read and ask me questions
          4) Can you log in to the job ready skills site (this will be your @metroed account)
          Please start working on 5 new lessons.  You can pick any lesson in the 5 units.  I'll be able to see your progress.  You need to get a 75% or better.  There will be 5 lessons due each week.  You can do them all in one day or spread them out... just do 5 each week

          8 Bit Computer
          Randy and I will start posting specific information and videos to watch, so stay tuned, I'll try to get you more guidance later today.

          but if you feel like you know where to start or what you are doing, keep working. I hope there is a quiet place in your house where you can setup the 8 bit computer and leave it out.  If not, please try to keep everything together, it's easy to lose all the small parts.
          You can always play with the logicly tool and work to understand AND, OR gate logic.

          Still need to do this?

          A) STEM Magazine - Pick an Article from this issues and write about it.  200 words or more.
          March STEM Magazine

          • What article did you pick?
          • Why did you pick it? What cough your interest?
          • What Engineering skills are needed to for this topic you picked?
          • What will you go and research to learn more?
          B) FLIP Grid
          • If you have not done this "Say Hi" Flipgrid, Please do.
          • Randy is willing to Pay for a good Viral Corona Virus PSA (pun intended) This can be 3 min long.  You can do them on Flip Grid, and he will offer some prizes for all of them, but will select the best in each category, and you could win up to $200.  Think, "What do people need to know or do to protect themselves from the Corona Virus"  it can't be just "Wash Your Hands".  If can be a video we can share, or a flier we can print and put up at grocery stores...  Don't say your last name, or school, or any other location identifying information.  Flipgrid link https://flipgrid.com/854d1041  - Ask me questions about this

            Helpful Links

            We will also be using the following tools.
            Google Class Room


            Python Development Tools
            https://repl.it/~  (I'll have a lesson soon on using this)

            Slack Channel