Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - Distance Learning... How is it going?

Special Instructions or Announcements:
Check out the earlier blog post for today or yesterday... It's some tips and thoughts I was having.

I have  page I'm going to put some links to where to get some good information...

Flip Grid
Please checking and say "Hi" and submit a Flipgrid video with some words of encouragement to your classmates. click

I'll be getting us back on track to learning python, with lessons posted, for now please make sure you have the account setup. Take a look at these python code review and concepts. In the future I'll be reviewing specific concepts and making some coding assignments... But for today, get your account working and play with it.
  • Lecture/Presentation - Duration: 15 Min
  • Instructions & Expectations: Please set up your account and then start reviewing basic Python constructs... like the IF/Else, For loops and While loops.  Write your own code examples.  
# Run this code and tell me what it's doing.  I want you to explain how the print() function works, 
# how the Random() function works, how the While loop works and the Forloop
import math
import random
import time

x = random.randint(-100,100)
print('Printing the first random number',x)

print('Does the while loop run? Why?')
while x > 0 :
x = random.randint(-50,100)
print('Why did this number print or not print? ',x)

print('Did the While Loop run?')
print('If the While loop runs, Why did the While loop stop?')

for i in range(x,0):

print('What is the range of this for loop?')
print('Why is it counting up from a negative number?')
8 Bit Computer
Randy and I will start posting specific information and videos to watch, so stay tuned, but if you feel like you know where to start or what you are doing, keep working. I hope there is a quiet place in your house where you can setup the 8 bit computer and leave it out.  If not, please try to keep everything together, it's easy to lose all the small parts.
You can always play with the logicly tool and work to understand AND, OR gate logic.

Helpful Links

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