Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - Kinda going to miss April Fools Day...

OFFICE HOURS: Check IN, Get Help
Wednesday, April 18:30 – 9:30am OR 1:30 - 2:30 PM
Over... You missed it... Here is the recorder session

Mr. Burnham saying Hi
  • I'll post links Wednesday
1) Entry Ticket - Flip Grid - How are you doing? Say Hi, Tell us what you are learning...  after watching this salute to Adventure Time and how it relates to us today

Special Instructions or Announcements:

    2) 3D Design and Tinker Cad
    • Lab - Duration: 1-3 hours (due Friday)
    • Link: Assignment Lecture - What Do I Want You To Do
    • Instructions & Expectations: Please watch the Assignment Introduction Video and then do the following:
      • Tuesday:- Pick a project to work on in TinkerCAD or some other 3D tool. Do this today.  See the Google Classroom assignment. If you pick something on Thingiverse to modify, submit the link to the original in this assignment too.
      • Wednesday and Thursday -  Work on your design.  This will probably take 1-2 hours.  If you start from a finished design off Thingiverse, you need to modify your design at least 20%.
      • Friday (or Before) Turn in a file named firstName-LastName-DesignName.stl
        • I think if you copy it to your Google Drive, and share it I'll be able to access it... but you can also email it to 

    • Dig Deeper: See what lots of companies are doing with 3D printers to solve the PPE shortage.  Extra Credit - find some links and write me 200+ words on what you found and why it's cool. See Google class room for "Solving PPE with 3D"
    3) Python
    • Office Hours: I'll host 2 office hours on Wednesday and Friday @ 8:30-9:30 AM and 1:30-2:30 PM.  You can come to either, or the other or both.  I'll be answering Python Questions, doing code examples, and showing you some other Python stuff.
    • LAB - Duration: 2-3 hours
    • Link: Cisco Python Sign In 
      • If you have problems, Please take a look at this Python Class Sign In presentation.  If you gave me a personal email, then you should have got a new account invite.  If you did not give me a personal email, then I used your email and you may have just got a notification of the class enrollment... just try the link and use your email.
    • Instructions & Expectations: 
      • Finish Lesson 1 Module 1,2,3
      • Write a program that:
        • Ask the user to rolls 2 dice <-- This will be an input question, maybe just a hit any key, maybe print what they type, and it can be the secret whisper you blow on the dice as you roll them...
        • print the value of each dice, add then and print the total <-- some math and print()
        • If they are both 1, print "Snake Eyes" <-- If/else
        • if they are 7, Print "Craps"
        • If they are doubles, print "Doubles"
        • Keep a running total, and when they get to 100 quit <-- More math
        • other wise keep asking  them to roll again <-- some type of loop wrapped around all your code to jump back to the top to ask them to roll again.
        • If they enter a "q" or "Q" then quit using a break
        • Extra Credit - If they roll 2 doubles in a row, print "Hot Roller"
    import random

    keepPlaying = 0
    while keepPlaying < 100 :

    throw = input('Click any key to roll ')
    #If they enter a "q" or "Q" then quit using a break
    print('Your Typed', throw)
    # get a random number
    dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
    print("dice 1 = ",dice1)
    # gat another random number
    # look up how to get a random number
    # Add up the dice
    #print the dice total
    #if dice1=1 and dice2-1 :



    • I'll add another program here when you have done the first one...
    • How to Submit Assignment: If you do your code in, just turn in a link to the code.  Otherwise put it in a google doc and send it
      •  I can actually see your progress in the Cisco class, the time you spend on each module and which you have completed.. Those of you who have not logged in to the class, please do that.  Email me or call me  we can setup a google hangouts call if you are having issues.
    • Where to Get Support?: Look here to learn more...
    4) Ben Eater's 8 Bit Computer - Stay Tuned... more on this this week.  Sorry it's taking so long to get this booted...

    Helpful Links

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