Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday. March 16, 2020 - Lets do some Learning

Dear Student and Parent or Guardian,

2nd EDIT If you picked up your 8 it computer kit on Friday in class... then you are good and there is not anything for you to pick up.

EDIT: Please be safe, and if you want to get the Mechatronics Kits, Please get them TODAY... Things are evolving fast, and you may not be allowed to come to school tomorrow... I would also recommend to get any additional groceries today. Please be safe. If you are out and about, you should be pretending that you and every one else has the virus, and you should be wearing gloves and a mask... But If you wash your hands before and after, and don't touch your face, that is almost as good.

I know that the last few days has been surreal. The one thing I want you to know is that we are going to get through this, but we need to make sure we are smart and safe.

I think the most important this we can do is STAY HOME, Limit our contact with everyone, wash your hands before and after you leave your house... But Really, Seriously, we need to socially distance ourselves from everyone... Don't think this is a time to hangout with your friends and go out... So after you pick up your classroom stuff, Please stay home.

We are attempting to keep the learning going while the SVCTE campus is closed.  To this end, we are allowing students to take home some class equipment and lab components. 

We will also be holding class on-line, through Blogs and video conferences.  The details are still being worked out, but the following is how I will be communicating with the students. I will be posting a blog post for Monday, and giving you information on how to keep learning.  My plan is that we are not “off school” for a while. I will be holding class in an online environment. This could be a mix of live instruction, and posting videos of me lecturing about a lab or lesson.

I will be providing students with opportunities to learn EVERY day.  Students should check the class blog EVERY day. They also should check their email EVERY day.

I want to make sure every one has access to computers and technology, I think I know who has access or not.  I will be reaching out to some of you to make sure, if you need to borrow a lap top or tablet.  If you don't have access to a computer, please reach out to your home district of contact me directly.

You can always contact me at or call me at 408-603-0925 (text is best)

Mr. Burnham

Pickup Stuff Today: This Week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (EDIT: PLEASE Come TODAY)
We are attempting to keep the learning going while the SVCTE campus is closed.  To this end, we are allowing students to take home some class equipment and lab components.  Each student can pick up about $350 worth of material. While we know that accidents happen, we are expecting to have all material and equipment returned in good working order. If by the end of the school year, all the material has not been returned or replaced, we will not be able to issue a final grade.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Come pick up your 8 bit computer kits at the SVCTE HUB between 1 pm -3 pm.  I have 2 bins with your name on them.  Please sign them out. 

What to Do Monday March 16
  • Pickup your 8 Bit Computer project - All students continue to work on the 8 Bit Computer project (all students will have access to pick up the kits)
  • Python - We will be getting back to learning Python.  
    • Please access this site and create an account.  You probably should use a personal email, because you will want access to this account long after my class... but you could use your @metroed account too.   Check google classroom to answer if you can access this site and create an account.  When you do, please play with it for 15+ min.  Write a "hello world" program in python. (I'll have a lesson soon on using this)

Class Blog: 
I will be posting EVERY DAY on the class blog.  This is where ALL instructions will be posted for work we are doing
Silicon Valley CTE Mechatronics Class - 2019-2020

We will also be using the following tools.

Google Class Room


Python Development Tools  (I'll have a lesson soon on using this)

Slack Channel
Stay safe, and stay tuned. -- Mr. Burnham

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