Tuesday, March 17, 2020

FAQ on School closing, maybe opening, and your grade

Metropolitan Education District Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How long will our schools in MetroED be closed?

At this point in time, we will be closed from March 16 – April 3. Our spring break has been moved to the week of April 6. The District is monitoring information and coordinating with the Santa Clara County Office of Education and all other school districts in the County of Santa Clara and is following the Orders of local and state health authorities. Currently, all schools are scheduled to open April 13, 2020.

Is there a possibility that schools would remain closed longer than April 13?

Yes. We will follow the guidelines of the Santa Clara County Public Health Department in conjunction with the Santa Clara County Office of Education and all 31 school districts in Santa Clara County. All school districts in Santa Clara County have pledged to work together on school closures and the reopening of schools. <-- My guess is that we will be closed for at least 6-9 weeks... so maybe not back till next year (Mr Burnham)

How will the closures impact the school year? Will we have to make up lost days at the end of the school?

No. The Governor’s Executive Order N-26-20 allows school districts to continue to receive uninterrupted funding from the state and the closures will not impact the 175-day requirement of the instructional calendar if the District’s Superintendent certifies that the closure occurred to address COVID-19. Our school year will end on June 4, 2020.

Will the closures impact the total credits earned for my spring coursework?

No. The second semester will be shortened. You will earn all the credits that you are enrolled in if you pass all your classes. (i.e., if you are enrolled in six classes and you pass all six classes, you will earn 30 credits)

Will my transcript be impacted in any way?

No. Your transcript will not be affected in any way. It will show all courses taken this semester and full credits earned with each course that has been passed.

What can I do if I do not have access to a computing device?
Students can contact Alecia Myers-Kelley amkelley@metroed.net or Marleen Dinis mdinis@metroed.net to request the use of a Chromebook. Students should send an email to the two names listed above with the request and provide the following information: Student Name - Student ID# - Expected Graduation Year - Your principal will follow up with a time to pick up the Chromebook. 
Understand that this is a loan of a Chromebook that you will return when we return to school to the principal you borrowed it from.

What can I do if I do not have internet access at home? If you do not have a cell phone with a data plan and you cannot use an existing network, a good option might be Spectrum/Charter, which offers free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription. To enroll call 1-844-488- 8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.

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